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Friendly IoT Line of Products

One IoT device management by Friendly Technologies.
Any Device. Any Network. Any Vertical

The Friendly IoT Line of Products includes robust solutions for multiple verticals in the Internet of Things world.

 Friendly IoT Products

  • One-IoT Cloud Bridge

Friendly IoT Device Management

Friendly’s IoT Device Management Platform enables the remote management of any type of IoT device, including constrained devices via standard protocols, such as LwM2M, MQTT, OMA-DM, CoAP, HTTPS, TR 069/TR-369 USP, and also non-standard protocols.

Friendly’s IoT solution provides automated provisioning and remote control of devices. It features an Admin Portal, Technician Portal, QoE Dashboard, BI, Big Data Analytics, and extensive API for customization of vertical applications.

Friendly also provides an application generator module that enables the quick and easy generation and update of any custom applications without programming. Friendly’s IoT solution is offered via Friendly’s IoT Cloud (SaaS) or can be installed at the customer’s premises.

Friendly One-IoT is a robust, unified device management platform for any vertical.

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